The Lana Chair
The Lana Chair
While respecting traditional values and also inspired by the modern world needs, three teams (Dizainar + Lana + Photoliu) worked together to find the balance between old and new, traditional and contemporary. The chair structure is designed by Dizainar (Mihnea Ghildus, Alexandru Ionita) to match the texture designed by Lana and consists of a triangular seating, 3 legs with cylindrical section and a narrow trapezoidal backrest that relies on the seat and the leg from behind. Formal decisions are inspired by Romanian traditional furniture craft, while ergonomics, implementation, finishing and details are adapted to our time. Some of the contemporary elements are: upholstery (traditional furniture was not upholstered), wood edges (processed at an angle to give the sensation of a thinner crust) and wood joints (made with CNC tools’ precision). The project was initiated by Photoliu (Irina Pogonaru) who brought the people together and all the elements necessary for making the Lana Chair become real.
Design by Mihnea Ghilduș, Alexandru Ioniță
Graphic pattern by Lana Dumitru
Manufactured by Photoliu